

Online training programmes

September 26th 2018

ULB's centre for continuing education in health and life sciences, HeLSci, offers online training modules whose goal is to help professionals acquire or refresh basic skills on certain lab-related topics or techniques.

The online learning platform currently offers 4 training modules:

  • OncoStep: teaching solid basic knowledge of oncology;
  • ImmunoKit: completing or consolidating basic knowledge of immunology;
  • Starter Kit for Flow Cytometry: enabling participants to confidently approach this lab technique;
  • The Solution for Your Solutions: teaching how to correctly make calculations for laboratory solutions.

Target audience

These online training modules are now open to anyone who wishes to acquire or refresh their knowledge of one of these topics. ‘The first three modules are intended for people who have previous training in biology’, explains Erika Baus, scientific director of ULB's HeLSci centre. ‘On the other hand, “The Solution for Your Solutions” is open to all holders of a high school diploma.’

Dynamic teaching content

Viewing times vary between 1 and 8 hours, and each student will require additional time to assimilate the material. Classes are offered as a combination of text, interactive images, and videos. ‘The sessions are designed for maximum teaching impact’, explains Lionel Meinertzhagen, techical and teaching advisor for ULB-HeLSci. ‘For each chapter, we have given careful consideration to which format is best suited to the content.’?In addition to theoretical content, the training modules also include exercises and evaluation tests.
‘The programmes' content is dynamic,’ adds Erika Baus. ‘Our goal is to offer courses that take into account the industry's realities, the needs that exist on the ground, and the evolution of biotechnologies.’

Optional content

On top of the basic offering, each training module comes with optional content:
  • individual coaching, online or in person,
  • follow-up on learning, which is helpful for businesses who purchase training sessions for their employees,
  • a one-day in-person session (with e.g. practical exercises), concluding the basic module.

In practice

The cost of these four teaching modules varies between €63 (basic version of The Solution for Your Solutions) and €600 (OncoStep with all optional content).
Once the payment has been made, login credentials (not tied to a specific user) will be provided and valid for 3 months.